Let’s clear something up.

Welcome to The Writing Rundown, a weekly newsletter that offers advice, short essays, and reading suggestions to help driven writers (like you!) improve their writing craft. It's nice to see you here! If someone forwarded you this email because they love your writing, you can subscribe here.

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

"Writing became more like eavesdropping and less like inventing a nuclear bomb." — Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

Are you ready for it? 🎶

Nah, I’m not going to get all Swiftie on you, though I am staunchly in that friendship-braceleted club.

Instead, the gifts are gonna start dropping. 🎁 Little thank you’s for making it thus far, and letting you know what is coming (though, of course, you’ll know more if you are a part of our relaunch street team.)

This week I’ll be sharing one of our new editing programs, that invites more writers to get individual writing feedback from one of our pros on a weekly basis, for a used car salesman “Can I even sell it at this price” offer for TWR subscribers and friends only.


I’m relaunching our Writer’s Toolkit, to focus less on content marketing tools and resources, and more about improving your craft and becoming a better writer.

Do you have 3 minutes to help me figure out exactly what I need to pull fro
m our libraries to make this the best kit for YOU? To help you become the writer you’ve always wanted to be?

CYC Elsewhere…

Other places we’ve popped up around the interwebs.

In Other Reading This Week …

Need more insights and inspiration for your writing and mindset?

  • Ok, I’ll admit it. I didn’t know there was an opposite of déjà vu, but it is real and rather unsettling. Especially for writers who know a lot about a few things, and constantly struggle with that “I know, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
  • I love this concept “Be a safe space for dangerous ideas.” If someone weren’t already using it, as the CCO of Mischief explains in this podcast, I’d be tempted to use it in our rebranding copy.
  • As the Olympics winddown, I’m thinking of stories like Flavor Flav sponsoring the US women’s water polo team. Chasing your dreams isn’t cheap, as boxer Claire Prince shares in Essence.
  • Usually we have to do a lot of running around to crowdsource advice, but this compilation from Buzzfeed is guaranteed to have a gem or two that will help you find focus in the day.
  • When a TWR reader shared her recent byline, I was happy to click-thru and read. The beauty, pain, curiosity, frustration and more of this story from Barbara Huntington about how an international poetry course helped her understand her post-stroke brain…brilliant!

Weekly Writing Tip …

A quick chance to learn from the masters.

"Write a short story a week. It's not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row." — Ray Bradbury

Bygone …

Exquisite words from years gone by.

Brainish [Brain-ish] (adj.) – From the early 17th century, this word makes you think it’s pretty smart. Fooled you! Brainish is actually an idea or action that is characterized by reckless hot-headedness. Like you are using your brain…ish. 😉 Sorta synonyms: impulsive, madcap, capricious

This Week’s Writing Resource …

Why not use the tools at your disposal?

Content-as-a-Creator — This new newsletter from Buffer’s Tami Oladipo promises a weekly rundown of content writing and marketing gigs available, specifically REMOTE opportunities.

For the Upcoming Week …

Because we all need a good chuckle to start things off right!

It’s important to understand and acknowledge your motivations.

PS - Apologies for the delay this weekend. In “wish I could make this up” worlds, there was a major gas leak in my apartment building on Thursday. Since I work in a storage space with little ventilation, I was pretty sick on Friday. Anything that required more focused attention than 2-3 Threads updates was beyond my abilities!

PPS - If you have a dog that you keep home all day, unattended, maybe consider getting those child-proof covers on your natural gas stove if they are a big dog who runs around barking and jumping. Cause otherwise, they might turn a knob accidentally, and seriously damage your fellow tenants. HYPOTHETICALLY.

PPPS - As a final reminder, I could really use your brilliance in putting together our updated Writer’s Toolkit. Got 3 minutes for 5 questions?