Rebrand Update #3 - Failure and Apologies

Hi Reader!

So...I messed up.

Without getting into it too much, and only slightly relying on the metaphor of carts and horses and which should go first, I'm so very sorry to say that we (I) have paused our relaunch and rebrand of CYC indefinitely.

While things were going along at a solid clip of work and creativity and forward-motion, in mid-July I managed to drive this horse AND cart straight into some sequence of tornadoes and other storms (many of which were me just standing in the middle of a field with a lightning rod--as if I were willing the storm to come zap the life right out of me and the project.)

For now, I need to focus my work on my work. Getting things sorted with CYC (and eventually the To Be Named "New Brand"ℒ️), my own life and finances and connections, and actually getting back to a point where I'm doing the writing and writerpreneuring we talk about.

I appreciate the folks who've written back, who've been crazy supportive...and those of you who gently nudged my hubris to say "Ok, cool, well if you actually do anything, please let me know, otherwise I guess best of luck?" πŸ˜‰

My hope is this pause will allow us (me) to come back stronger, clearer, and more inspired.

You won't hear from me again until we have an actual rebrand to relaunch (unless you are subscribed to our Writing Rundown newsletter.)

While I am a person who is intimately familiar with failure on a stairwell of levels, my greatest source of guilt is always letting down the people who believed in me enough to march with me toward this Castle of Whoops-I-Fucked-It-Again.

So I will say again that I apologize for what might feel like a waste of your time and energy and enthusiasm.

And if you'd rather not get tagged back in when things are ready to move forward, feel free to Unsubscribe from Everything below and I'll totally understand.

Thank you again for everything, and I will endeavor to be someone who you can be proud to shout from the proverbial rooftops when shouting is warranted again.

Cheers ~ Elisa
