Chasing the Writing Dream

Welcome to The Writing Rundown, a weekly newsletter that offers advice, short essays, and reading suggestions to help driven writers (like you!) improve their writing craft. It's nice to see you here! If someone forwarded you this email because they love your writing, you can subscribe here.

“I been shaking two nickels together for a month, trying to get them to mate.” ― Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

Ask Me Anything …

I desperately want to be a fulltime writer who writes my books and articles, but I’m worried about how to make money from it. What can I do to make enough money to become a fulltime writer? - Writer Seeking Wealth

Dear WSW,

Ugh, I feel you. Your plight is the plight of many ambitious writers. So I don’t know if it helps, but you aren’t alone here.

Over the years, there’s been a beautiful narrative created about the affluent and admired writer.

They jetset the planet, they write by the sea; they flit into book signings and host fancy intellectual dinner parties.

And yes, there are writers out there who manage this life and lifestyle!

But…and I hate to have to be the one to tell you here…that is not the reality for many writers.

If you want to become a full-time writer, you will have to make money somehow.

For some people, this includes working full-time in writing; positions that include copywriting, content writing, journalism, business writing, and many other niche corners of getting paid to write.

Other folks will get writing-adjacent jobs; working in publishing or production, editorial and coaching, or teaching and selling products/courses.

Of course others might have a job that has nothing to do with writing in any way shape or form. At least once a quarter (especially the past few quarters) I’ve considered how wonderful it would be to get a job in a market or something similar, where I can zone out and scan items and make small talk with random strangers for a bit of solid income and a healthcare plan.

Entrepreneurship in a related OR unrelated field is a good opportunity to manage your own hours and resources, fitting in time to write when customers and delivery timetables don’t demand your attention.

A select few are lucky enough to trip into generational wealth or have a partner who is comfortable with supporting their career as they are building it up.

And while there is a growing group of individuals who have figured out how to make money as a sought-after Writing Influencer, the time and dedication to navigating algorithms and content demands is nearly as infuriating for most writers as sticking your head into a cheese grater.

Even the millionaire writers you hear about these days, they’ve been at it for years, if not decades. They make millions in their prolific body of work, selling the rights to Hollywood, and charging 5+-figures for their appearances.

I need to say this concisely and clearly: It is not impossible to make a full-time living as a writer.

In fact, it’s a lovely goal to have! But don’t be discouraged that it might take some time, and that you’ll likely have to be doing something else in the meantime to keep a roof over your head and writerly snacks like Cheez-its and Red Vines in your desk drawers.

The formula seems to annoyingly include: Get writing, write more, write more than you thought you’d ever need to, find a way to get your name and writing out there, network your face off, pitch pitch pitch pitch pitch, write some more, cry into multiple tubs of Ben & Jerry’s as you navigate rejections, stockpile money as it comes in to re-invest in your writing career, write again…you get the idea.

This world isn’t for everyone, and I wouldn’t recommend everyone gives it a shot.

There is NOTHING WRONG with writing because you love it after your 9-to-5 day ends, or self-publishing a few titles after knocking out manuscripts across 29 straight weekends.


Each newsletter I answer a question from a reader about writing, editing, creativity — and everything in between. Do you have a question you’d like me to answer? Hit REPLY and ask away!

In Other Reading This Week …

Need more insights and inspiration for your writing and mindset?

Weekly Writing Tip …

A quick chance to learn from the masters.

“I wish someone had said, it’s never going to be good enough, so just release it. I turned in [the book manuscript] in September 2020, and it didn’t come out until. 2021, and I spent that whole year crying. I know every sentence that’s a mistake. I know every page that I wish I ripped out that I kept. It’s never enough. You just need to accept it to enjoy the process.” – Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts

Bygone …

Exquisite words from years gone by.

Scripturient [scrip-TYOOR-ee-uhnt] (adj.) – From the early 17th century, scripturient describes a person who has a strong desire or inclination to write. You could say a scripturient person loves everything about the act of writing. The etymology comes from the Latin scripturire (desire to write) a desiderative of scribere (to write.) Sorta synonyms: prolific, industrious, assiduous

This Week’s Writing Resource …

Why not use the tools at your disposal?

JustWriteAn online app/website from the makers of Calmly Writer, this site allows you to Just Write (get it?!) without all the distractions of a doc app. You can even set a time or word count target for your session.

For the Upcoming Week …

Because we all need a good chuckle to start things off right!

I have never felt so simultaneously seen and viciously attacked by a post.

‘Til next time! ~ Elisa